Telpay Payment News
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Green Is The New Black



Green messages are everywhere these days and for good reason. The environment is in the news, politics and in technology. While it is easy to be overwhelmed with gas emissions, global warming and the diminishing rainforest in Brazil, it’s also simple to start making positive choices, by first examining our own patterns.

Everything thing we do has a daily impact on the planet, both good and bad. The good news is that as an individual you have the power to choose and do your part for the environment. From where you live, what you eat, what you drive and even how you run your business, can all be geared to be greener.

Our Responsibility to the Environment

Telpay is in the fortunate position that our electronic payment solutions, by their very nature, have a positive effect on the environment. By reducing paper payments, encouraging electronic billing, and providing electronic bill payment systems that allow individuals and businesses to store their accounting records electronically, we believe we can lead the way towards significant reductions in the amount of paper required to conduct business. Using paper in the office has environmental and economic costs. Therefore, reducing paper usage makes green and business cents.

Go Green

Going green, is yet another good reason to choose Telpay. Electronic payments over cheques will have a positive impact on the environment. Way to go, by partnering with Telpay, your business just got greener. Isn’t it nice to know that Telpay is good for our environment and your business too!