Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Keep Tidy with Telpay


Much like your closet needing that yearly de-clutter, your desk most likely needs the same attention—and what better time than spring!  Telpay’s electronic payments offer an easy way to keep tidy by eliminating paper, envelopes, and stamps form your desk drawers.  As well, our built in reporting system eliminates reports from cluttering your desk space.  With Telpay you can access all reports payroll and payment electronically at any time.  Attend at Telpay March webinar for some great “spring cleaning” tips designed to help you make the switch to electronic payments.

Find a webinar time that’s right for you and register here

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL WEBINARS ARE SCHEDULED IN CENTRAL TIME. Please adjust the webinar start times according to your time zone.