As the wise saying goes, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is now! That holds true even during a global pandemic. As part of Winnipeg’s One Million Tree Challenge, Telpay staff, customers, and friends planted 5000 trees this spring.
While all plans for public plantings were put on hold due to COVID, we reached out to you, our customers. And the response was resounding from individuals planting in their own yards, to staff giveaways to whole community tree giveaways. In partnership with one of our customers, the Dakota Community Club, we gave away 500 trees in just two hours! We were so pleased to have so many of you interested in this project.
We’d love to help stimulate this kind of tree planting across the country. Check out Tree Canada to get involved in their national tree planting program.
Work on our Telpay Environmental Action Plan hasn’t stopped there though. Now hand-in-hand with our COVID recovery plan, the pandemic has offered us other ways to make positive changes. The necessity of our whole staff team working from home resulted in over-achieving our goal of reducing our carbon footprint due to staff commuting. Without a centralized printer, we had to quickly find ways to eliminate even more of our printed paper functions. Now, we are considering how to integrate these successes and more into our permanent workplace culture shift.
How has the pandemic allowed your business to make positive transitions towards environmental sustainability? We’d love to hear your stories and share them on our social medial platforms.