Telpay News

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Telpay for Business – The Payment Essentials

june webinarSo you’ve signed up for Telpay for Business, now what? It’s time to master the payment essentials of Telpay’s software to help put your business on the path to cheque freedom. Every month, we provide a variety of free training webinars.  Topics include: software setup, making your first payroll and paying your vendors or consultants.  In this new blog series, we’ll outline the different types of webinars available to you.

There is no better place to start than our Welcome Webinar!  Learn how to download, install and set up Telpay for Business.  We’ll demonstrate setting up users and their privileges, passwords, signing officer passwords for remote approval as well as bank account details.  Plus, we’ll explain how to fund your payments on time.

You can register for our Welcome Webinar to help you set up your essential information, here.  Remember, all our webinars are scheduled in Central Time!

Don’t have time to for a Welcome Webinar?  Here are some resources for you:

Watch our training video:  “How to Customize/Set Up Telpay Software

Read our Guides:

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Best Practice: Electronic Payments to Suppliers



In today’s buzzwords, quite often you hear about best practices, but what does that mean?  According to the definition, “a best practice is a method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark.” 

In accounting and bookkeeping, many best practices deal with consistency, functionality and efficiency, along with saving money and time.  For payroll do you remember how long it used to take to write a cheque, get it signed and distribute?  This is certainly not a best practice anymore.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Buckle Up, We Are on the Road Again!


Trade show season has arrive and we are looking forward to attending our regular trade shows as well as a few new ones that we have added to our schedule!

Over the next few months, we will be travelling coast to coast from Vancouver, for the Adagio Opportunity Conference, to Quebec,  for the Canadian Payroll Association Trade show. 

Find out when we are in a city near you and make sure to stop by and say hi!

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Qualifying: How to Make Sure Clients Are a Fit


As much as we would like you to sign up all your clients with Telpay, it is also important to make sure that Telpay is a fit. That is why qualifying right off the hop is very important. Just like qualifying in sales, it’s all about asking the right questions to make sure the needs of that business can be met by the Telpay solution. Continue reading

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Pillar 5: Value Pricing


The series is from Chartered Accountant, consultant and author, Jeff Borschowa, from his book, 8 Pillars for Exponential Business Growth. The series is focused on how to find new and better ways to integrate innovation and technology to enhance the customer experience and improve efficiency in the accounting process.

You could probably argue that pricing could fit under one of the other pillars. I separate it out in order to emphasize how important it is, especially for professional service firms. The traditional model of billing for services is based on a single formula: hours worked multiplied by an hourly rate is equal to the fee to be billed. This formula creates an inherent conflict of interest between you and your customers. They want you to work faster, but you make more money if you work slower. Notice that the equation does not include any consideration of the value of the work as seen in the eyes of the customer.

Take another look at the equation, you will see that implementing systems to become more efficient reduces your time spent on the work. Thus, your earnings also decrease if you become more efficient. Value pricing focuses on the value that you provide to a customer. Customers are looking for value, they don’t place true value on your time, only the outcome that you ultimately produce with your time.

We don’t want to ignore businesses that sell products. In a lot of cases, you are limited by pricing that your competitors may be setting in a marketplace. However, if you have a niche and can focus on your ideal customer, you may be able to put together a complete bundle of products that would be worth more as a bundle than individually. For example, the pet car industry realized that people who bought pet birds would often buy cages, feed, and other items at the same time. They bundled packages together for convenience and found that the packages were selling for more than the individual components.