Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Telpay Adds to its Growing List of Payroll Providers

Telpay is pleased to officially announce that we have added the PayTickr mobile time tracking and payroll solution to our expanding payroll partner roster.

PayTickr provides an easy-to-use, mobile time tracking and online payroll system for existing and new Telpay clients.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

How Telpay’s Debit Funding Option Works

You have decided to make a payment(s) using Telpay’s services; the next important decision is how you will fund the payment(s). You can either fund your payments by debit (Pre-Authorized Debit), where Telpay automatically pulls the funds from your bank account or through online banking (bill payment or direct transfer), where you push funds to Telpay.

These two options have varying benefits depending on your business needs. Most of our customers prefer the speed and convenience of next day payments which is achieved by pushing funds to Telpay through your online banking. On the other hand, some customers prefer using our PAD option because it requires no additional action. While the PAD option appears convenient, it also comes with a longer lead time of 3 to 4 business days.

Let’s take a closer look at how the Telpay debit option works.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

How to Overcome Client’s Resistance to Change

Change, as they say, is necessary in the business world. Staying at the forefront, if not ahead of the bar in your industry is crucial to your continued success.

When you think about this as a mantra for your business, you know instantly that this applies to your products and services; but it is just as necessary for your operations to be running as efficiently as you move forward. From deciding to remove your fax line to using video conferencing, the way we do business is as important as what business we’re doing.

Change, however, isn’t easily accepted by all parties. Some companies will always be intimidated by the prospect of how their “traditional” methods will be altered. Perfectly fitting into this space is payments, and as you change your payments from cheques to electronic means through Telpay, there will be apprehension.

So how do you ease your client into this “new method” of payment? The answer may be simpler than you think.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Getting Started with Payroll Direct Deposit

After making your first step into the world of electronic payments with Telpay, you are ready to get started with payroll direct deposit. Stepping into a new world of making your payroll payments by direct deposit instead of your routine cheques is simple.

All it takes is four steps, and you are on your way to paper payment freedom!

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Pay Utilities (and more) with Telpay

Have you ever missed a bill payment deadline? Have you come into the office one morning, only to see a “Payment Overdue” email waiting for you? It happens. Busy schedules prevent us from going to the bank, or if a payment date falls on a day we’re away from the office.

That’s what makes Telpay so convenient – each and every one of your bills can be scheduled and remitted in advance when it’s convenient for you! From electricity to cell phones, all your bills are covered with your Telpay for Business all-in-one payment software.

Take for example your hydro. Just as you would do with any other supplier or vendor payment, simply import the payment details or enter it directly into Telpay for Business.

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