Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Why We Heart Our ASP Partners


For 30 years, Telpay has led the way in electronic payments in Canada. There is no way we would have been so successful without the people who believe and use our electronic payment software.  That includes our customers, billers, strategic company alliances and at the heart of it all…our ASP Partner Program.

We know that being your own boss is very rewarding, but also challenging. We know it often demands more time, energy and dedication than working for someone else. We get that your time is important. That is why we love hearing how Telpay saves you time, so you can have more time to do what is important to you.

Not only do we value your time, but we also value your business and partnership. We know that every time you promote Telpay to your clients, you are ultimately attaching your reputation with our Telpay brand. We appreciate your confidence to stand with our core values of honesty, integrity, transparency, valuing our people, providing exceptional customer care and a dedication to continuous improvement.

As Canada’s leader in electronic payments, we applaud our very own leaders in the Accountant and Bookkeeping field. That’s why we are proud to partner with you. Together, we are the better way to send and receive money for the thousands of businesses across Canada.

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Spotlight: May Haak


Meet May Haak, a Telpay ASP Partner located in Burnaby, British Columbia, who has a very interesting career story. After being a bookkeeper for 10 years with the BC Provincial Government, May discovered that she had an affinity for computers. So she went back to school to become a programmer and software developer. Unfortunately when lay-offs hit the public sector, she lost her IT job with the provincial government. Out of work and struggling to find an IT job, May decided that, “if nobody would hire me, I’ll just hire myself.” Continue reading

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Want to Move to the Cloud?


We are excited to share Cloud insights from our guest contributor, Kerri Bouffard of
Add-Vantage Bookkeeping. Kerri will be providing advice and solutions to help you determine if the Cloud is right for your business. 

Originally posted in the Add-Vantage Bookkeeping Blog, republished with permission.

It seems that no matter where we turn we are being bombarded with the word “CLOUD”! Cloud Servers – Cloud Software – Cloud Storage – Cloud Everything! Cloud does not seem to pertain to the weather any longer!

It is popping up everywhere and many businesses, accountants and bookkeepers are contemplating taking that big step and transitioning their accounting and bookkeeping to the cloud. But just because you want to work in the cloud doesn’t mean it is an easy transition. Often once you start the process you will have one question answered but seven more will pop up!

I have been working completely in the cloud – very happily – for almost three years now and I could not imagine working any other way. I have such peace of mind over the safety of my data, but also the ease of use I have for accessing my data whenever I need to do so. This however was not a step I took lightly and there are still a lot of things I have to consider on an individual client basis and what their specific needs are.

My recommendation would be to really analyze what you are hoping to accomplish with moving to the cloud – be it better security of your data, having someone else look after your technology, ease of access so you can get out of your office, collaboration with clients with their bookkeeping, etc. Once you determine your top five reasons for wanting to move to the cloud – then you will need to analyze the different offerings that are out there. Would Cloud software suit your needs better than a Cloud server solution? Would a Cloud server solution offering direct support to accountants and bookkeepers be preferable to a Cloud server solution that offers space on their server farm but you are responsible for everything else? For this you need to analyze your requirements – as well as your client’s.

As I mentioned – one question will lead to seven more – and one solution is not a one size fits all solution. You could determine that you will use a combination of all three!

Over the next several weeks, I will tackle some of these questions and solutions to help you in determining what may work best for your individual situation! If you would like a more personalized approach please feel free to contact me by email to have a private cloud consultation!

The Cloud is a wonderful thing – let’s clear up some of the unknowns together!

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Core Values: What’s in Your Company’s Heart?


Roses are red
Violets are blue
At Telpay our core values
Are absolutely true

While I am no poet, I can assure you our core values are absolutely true and the heart of our Telpay Family. Not only do we proudly talk about values, but we also believe in, live in and deliver them. At Telpay, we are committed to a set of guiding principles that we hold true, to ensure we continually develop and deliver innovative payment software, service and support for our team, customers and partners. At the heart of Telpay are these six core values, on how we act with kindness, respect, integrity and more: Continue reading