Telpay News

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

The Cost of Processing Cheques

One of the questions that may come up with businesses you speak to is – “What are the cost savings when you eliminate cheques from your business payments?”

For your convenience, we have a simple Savings Calculator to show your clients just how much they can save.

Using this calculator will help give a perspective not only of the overall payment process but how many pieces go into each cheque sent out in the mail.

The Savings Calculator considers elements such as postage and the cost for cheques, but then comes other factors such as bank fees and forms, along with intangibles such as assembly and the actual mailing. Quickly, you will see how the cost of continuing with cheque payments adds up.

We also take into consideration another aspect – time. If businesses are writing cheques or balancing books with a ledger and chequebook, they spend more time than needed to keep records up to date.

This time, particularly for emerging business owners, can better be spent planning and growing their company. For those who have led or been part of a company for a longer period, well, it goes without saying just how much more time is needed in a day.

Bearing in mind these factors, you can easily show what payments through Telpay’s processing system can do for their business. Whether it’s a regularly-scheduled amount that goes to a supplier or a one-off, they will save time and money thanks to Telpay for Business payment software.

To learn more about how Telpay saves your company’s bottom line, call one of our representatives today at 800-665-0302 or email

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Easy Payments in the Summer

The signs of summer are all around us. Street vendors are out, signs for festivals are going up around the city, and the smell of barbeques are permeating everywhere.

Yes, summer is a relaxing time of year, but just because you’re taking a couple of weeks vacation doesn’t mean that your payments are also. Amid the rush to get out to the cabin or shutting down your office early on a Friday, it’s easy to forget to make a payment.

The good news is that with Telpay, you can authorize payments from anywhere you receive email.

Yes, you read that right. Whether you’re at the farmer’s market or on your boat, if you’ve got a signal, you’ve got a payment made, thanks to Telpay’s remote authorization email capabilities.

How does it work?
The bookkeeper or accountant on your Telpay account sends an email directly from the Telpay for Business software with payment details that you as a signing officer require for approving payments.

The benefits of remote authorization include:

  • Increased productivity – No need to wait for your signing officer to come back from their holidays. Your office can progress with projects that involve supplier payments.
  • Financial savings – Don’t let payment deadlines lapse and incur interest cost. Take advantage of advantage of sales that your suppliers may have over the summer.
  • Getting greener – Don’t worry about pre-signed cheques in the office. Keep the space clean – and green – in your office for the summer months.

To learn more about remote authorization, join us for one of our upcoming webinars. As a bonus, you’ll receive a gift card for Starbucks or Dairy Queen so you can further enjoy summer with a special treat, courtesy of Telpay.

Register today by clicking here.


Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

How AccSys Solutions Helps Clients Streamline their Business

Here is an example of how AccSys Solutions has helped their clients streamline their business payments.

AccSys Solutions is the world’s largest Adagio consultant reseller and has mentored over twenty Adagio Dealer Business Partners across North America. Douglas Dickie, the president of AccSys Solutions, has over thirty years’ experience in accounting and business management. He started AccSys Solutions twenty-two years ago with a team of experts in accounting software, integration and workforce management solutions.

Five years ago, when Adagio accounting software integrated with Telpay, AccSys Solutions implemented Telpay for their internal accounting before any of their clients were processing EFT’s. Telpay is an obvious improvement over manually keying in dollar amounts and payments; it is a great EFT solution. Besides quick and easy electronic payments, Telpay makes managing payment approvals a snap. Approving payments from anywhere is ideal for accountants and bookkeepers.

When clients started asking about integration EFT solutions for Adagio, AccSys Solutions was ready to highly recommend Telpay as Telpay has significant advantages, particularly with managing payment approvals. Approving payments from anywhere is a great solution for accountants and bookkeepers.

Want to learn more about how Telpay for Business and Adagio accounting software can streamline your businesses’ payment processes? Contact us at 1.800.665.0302 or email

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Get Your Electronic Payment Questions Answered

Conversations with clients about accounting and bookkeeping practices can be challenging at the best of times, but proposing to the long-time cheque faithful that it’s time to go electronic can be one of the most nerve-wracking dialogues you’ll ever have.

Of course, you know the advantages – the time and financial benefits of transitioning to an electronic payment system – but communicating this to your client, particularly if they are steadfast on keeping cheques, may be a struggle.

In preparing for these conversations, bear in mind the questions they may bring to the table. They’ll be concerned about making sure that payments are going through to their suppliers correctly and securely. For your clients, getting into the digital world, inundated with press stories about security alerts and missing payments, is an intimidating prospect; but arming yourself with the answers to their questions will help with easing their businesses into electronic payments.

Consider these questions that you may receive:

  • How is supplier bank account information collected?
  • How is this information maintained? How is it updated?
  • How is this information secured?
  • What happens if a payment is rejected or returned?

You and your clients have the questions, and we’ve got your answers. As a trusted and valued Telpay partner, we want your business to thrive, and we are here to help you thrive. Contact  a Telpay representative at 1-800-665-0302 or use our online form and you’ll receive a response within one business day.

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

2017 Ramon John Hnatyshyn Award for Voluntarism

It is with great excitement that Telpay announces that our founder, William H. Loewen, has been named a recipient of the 2017 Governor General’s Ramon John Hnatyshyn Award for Voluntarism in the Performing Arts.

Mr. Loewen receives the award in recognition of his 30-plus years of dedication to the arts in Winnipeg, particularly with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra where the foundation that he and wife Shirley began has donated over $1 million; but his support of the famed organization goes far beyond financial contributions. Bill has also been a volunteer with the Symphony for over 40 years.

More than anything, we have valued his advice, his friendship, and his genuine love for symphonic music,” WSO Executive Director Trudy Schroeder wrote in a guest blog on the Telpay website. Continue reading