Telpay News

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Why Doesn’t My Bill Payment Get Credited Immediately?


You would think, with the development of online technology and instant access to account information, that all electronic transactions would take place in real time. So why, when you pay a bill electronically, does it take at least the next business day for the payment to be credited to your account?

There are two steps when remitting an electronic bill payment to a payee. The payee’s bank account must be credited with the funds and the remittance information (your name, account number and the amount you paid) must be forwarded to the payee.

In most cases these are two independent steps and both have to take place before your account can be credited. There is rarely a direct channel between a bill payment service provider and a payee (one exception would be a financial institution and their “in-house” credit card). That means an arrangement has to be made between a payment provider (i.e. Telpay) and the payee so that a mutually accepted method of sending and receiving the remittance information is in place.

Often this exchange is done overnight or at a certain period during the day. The payee also has to reconcile the remittance information to the amount credited. For example, the payee receives $10,000 worth of bill payment remittances. They will need to verify that amount has been credited to their bank account. They would also update their internal databases with the remittance information before your bill is officially “credited”. That can create another delay.

Until the processes are in place for “instant” bill payments, there will be a bit of a lag between you making the payment and when your payment is actually credited. It’s something to take into consideration when making payments.

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Global Recognition for Canadian Accounting Icon


Adding to his long list of accomplishments, Alan Salmon was awarded the global ICB LUCA Award for Outstanding Service to the Bookkeeping Profession in Canada at the Institute of Professional Bookkeepers of Canada’s Annual Conference. Continue reading

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Pillar 8 – Business Management – Part 1 – Critical Factors


The series is from Chartered Accountant, consultant and author, Jeff Borschowa, from his book, 8 Pillars for Exponential Business Growth. The series is focused on how to find new and better ways to integrate innovation and technology to enhance the customer experience and improve efficiency in the accounting process.

The best run businesses focus on key performance indicators in order to determine areas that need improvement. Monitoring business results and seeking improvement are critical aspects of working on your business. Gross and net revenue are two easy numbers to determine, though they may not yield much in terms of overall business insight. Find the right key performance indicators based on your personal objectives for your business. Track them, monitor them, and make business decisions that are consistent with your objectives.
This may sound very high level and theoretical, so we will break it down into the following areas:
• Critical Success Factors
• Key Performance Indicators
• Customer Selection and Ranking Continue reading

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

PART 3: Building Relationships- A Black Swan POV


Guest Blogger:   Our special guest contributor this post is Melissa Michalski, co-owner of CertPro Accounting Team, a proud member of IPBC, a Certified Professional Bookkeeper and a graduate of the Black Swan Project.

In the first and second part of my Building Relationships blog series, I discussed building connections with suppliers, customers, and within the company. While these are vital parts of a successful company, is it crucial to ask yourself the following questions; are you satisfied with its operations? Are things running smoothly, are your emotions in a good place?  Can you count on your team? No one is perfect; it is okay to answer no to some of these questions. However, you should find ways to have your company operate smoothly.  This can help your company achieve greatness.

Here are the areas that our company focuses on, to ensure things are operating as smooth as possible:

  1. Work-life balance
  2. Scheduling
  3. Accountant relationships
  4. Professional development
  5. Meetings

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

3 Ways Remote Authorization Benefits Your Office


Businesses are always looking for ways to be more efficient with their time, money, communication and ultimately, productivity.  Typically, this process starts off with a management meeting where the team discusses a plan to improve specific office functions and usually you spend time looking at your administrative processes and budget sheets.

Would you believe being more efficient and productive could start with one short and simple email? In fact, you are not even writing this email, it is an auto generated email. How can one email have that big of an effect?  I am referring to Telpay’s remote authorization email. 

Telpay’s remote authorization email allows the signing officer (single or dual) to approve payments while away from the office through an email approval functionality.  The primary user sends an auto generated email directly from the Telpay software with all the payment details that the signing officer requires to approve the payments.

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