Telpay News

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Helpful Tips for Attending a Webinar

webinarBy now, many of you know that Telpay offers a variety of payment training webinars.  Knowing that we offer these webinars is one thing but, have you actually attended one? What is holding you back?

We have heard a number of re occurring questions from first time webinar attendees and we want to share them with you.  Knowing what to expect from our webinars will help you in many ways.

Here are some tips to consider:

  1. Know Your Time Zone! The Telpay office is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba; therefore, we  schedule our webinars in Central Time.  Whether you are on the West Coast or the East Coast, make sure to apply the webinar start time to your own time zone.
  2. Audio Options.  When you log into the webinar, there will be two options for audio on the Webinar.
    • Call in on your phone: audio phone number provided to you so you can hear what the webinar presenter is saying
    • Computer Speakers: select this audio option and turn on your computer speaker
  3. Attendees are on Mute.  Out of respect for all those trying to hear and learn on our webinars are muted for attendees.  We ask that you type in your questions in the question box and we will thoroughly answer every question asked at the end of the webinar.

  4. Don’t worry! If you have to log in late or leave early, we are happy to follow up with any of the information you miss. We also offer a variety of demo videos that supplement the content covered in our training webinars

Now that you are more prepared to attend a webinar, you can register for any of our upcoming training topics here. And remember, all our webinars are scheduled in Central Time!

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Plug into Telpay’s Bill Payment Engine


If you are a bank, credit union, retail store, cash store or any sort of financial provider that accepts bill payments, you can “plug and pay” into Telpay’s bill payment processing engine. We provide a simple record specification that allows you to batch bill payment requests into a file and send them to Telpay. At the same time, you send us the funds to cover the payments via your lead bank’s bill payment system (Telpay is a biller on most financial institution’s on line bill payment systems) or via wire transfer.  We process the payments next business day.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Building Relationships- A Black Swan POV

Guest Blogger:   Our special guest contributor this month is Melissa Michalski, co-owner of CertPro Accounting Team, a proud member of IPBC, a Certified Professional Bookkeeper and a graduate of the Black Swan Project.

As some of you may know, over one year ago our company started our journey with IPBC (Institute of Professional Bookkeepers of Canada) as one of the selected members of the prestigious Black Swan Group.  We were led by the genius Ron Baker and learned to drop the timesheet and hourly billing and proceed with value pricing.  This experience has been hard work but in the end nothing but rewarding.  Telpay has been a huge support system for us throughout the Black Swan process and we are thankful for the opportunity to build such an amazing relationship with them.

melissaThis past January I was lucky enough to attend The Black Swan Summit in Napa Valley.  This is where current Swans and past Swans were able to meet and collaborate along with Ron and three of his fellow colleagues that follow the Value Pricing model.  Let me tell you… I LOVE NAPA VALLEY, but I also love this Summit. I came home refreshed, re-energized and full of ideas on how to make my business even stronger.

The 2015 Summit led me to think differently about our company.  Yes, I always look for ideas and improvements on how to price our customers but, this year many of the speakers spoke a lot about RELATIONSHIP which naturally made me reflect on the importance of my businesses relationships.  Think about this word and what it means in your life, personally and through work.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Green Is The New Black



Green messages are everywhere these days and for good reason. The environment is in the news, politics and in technology. While it is easy to be overwhelmed with gas emissions, global warming and the diminishing rainforest in Brazil, it’s also simple to start making positive choices, by first examining our own patterns.

Everything thing we do has a daily impact on the planet, both good and bad. The good news is that as an individual you have the power to choose and do your part for the environment. From where you live, what you eat, what you drive and even how you run your business, can all be geared to be greener.

Our Responsibility to the Environment

Telpay is in the fortunate position that our electronic payment solutions, by their very nature, have a positive effect on the environment. By reducing paper payments, encouraging electronic billing, and providing electronic bill payment systems that allow individuals and businesses to store their accounting records electronically, we believe we can lead the way towards significant reductions in the amount of paper required to conduct business. Using paper in the office has environmental and economic costs. Therefore, reducing paper usage makes green and business cents.

Go Green

Going green, is yet another good reason to choose Telpay. Electronic payments over cheques will have a positive impact on the environment. Way to go, by partnering with Telpay, your business just got greener. Isn’t it nice to know that Telpay is good for our environment and your business too!

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

It’s Easy to Be Green


Congratulations to all of our Green customers who have made the switch to electronic payments! With Telpay, it’s easy to be green with our Save a Tree-Plant a Tree Program.

In the first year, our Save a Tree-Plant a Tree Program has been a big success with over 1,700 Telpay customers and counting who reached the 100 bill payment milestone. We’re thrilled to be honouring their milestone by planting trees with the help of Tree Canada in 2015.

By doing their payments electronically, each of these customers have drastically reduced their paper waste that would have been made by sending their payments out by cheque. Not only did they save the paper that would have been used for the cheques, but also spared the waste generated by envelopes, stamps, and the CO2 emissions produced by the physical transportation and delivery of mail.

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