Telpay News

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Bell Let’s Talk on Wednesday


Mental illness can impact anyone…like me. I had never been depressed in my life. Yet I would be diagnosed with major depression with psychotic features. In 14 months, I would go from down to dark. I would lose over 30 pounds, be sleep deprived and could not get out of bed. Crucial to my survival was that I was hospitalized and got better. Going back to work was also important. At Telpay, I was treated with dignity, compassion and respect. Now four years later, I am in full recovery, drug free and share my journey from hell to well to help others. Continue reading

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Will You Be Our Valentine?

feb webinars

Nothing says romance like a Telpay Welcome Webinar!  Well, we can probably think of a few things that are a little more romantic; however, the Telpay Welcome Webinars are personal, educational and interactive!  The best part is, no one has to pay for dinner!  All the Welcome Webinars are FREE for our Telpay Customers.   If you are looking for a way to get to know Telpay, consider being our Valentine’s Date.  For the month of February, welcome webinars are scheduled every Thursday.

Find a webinar time that’s right for you and register here

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL WEBINARS ARE SCHEDULED IN CENTRAL TIME. Please adjust the webinar start times according to your time zone.

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

The West Chapter Supports Local Businesses

Telpay is pleased to support The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Chapter networking luncheons. We are proud to be the premier sponsor of their West Chapter. These meetings are a fantastic way for businesses to connect with their peers over lunch to generate leads, hear from speakers and tackle issue affecting local businesses.

The inaugural meeting took place on January 20 at the Viscount Gort in Winnipeg. It was a success with over 50 people in attendance from Chamber members to politicians and guests. In addition to networking, the guest speakers were Lisa Shaw, Public Relations Telpay and Dave Angus, President of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce. Lisa Shaw stated, “it was great to meet so many outstanding business people and we are thrilled to be a sponsor.”

Telpay is all about supporting our local business community and we value the entrepreneur spirit. The Chamber West Chapter meetings happen the third Tuesday of every month. For more information, visist see

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Celebrate 30 Years with Us


In 2015, Telpay is thrilled to be celebrating our 30th Anniversary. And we could not have done it without our very successful ASP Partner Program. Thank you to our 1500 partners for being an integral part of our Telpay business journey. We appreciate your confidence, support of our products and your solid partnership in our success. Continue reading

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Happy Travels: 8 Tips on How to Work Remotely

1-Bea+family (2)Guest Blogger:  Bea Dabrowski, BA CPB, Co-Owner of CertPro Accounting Team Inc in Winnipeg.

What’s your passion in life?  Mine is travel.  And I don’t mean taking short little holidays here and there.  By travel, I mean uprooting my family for several months or longer and living like a local in a foreign culture. Having grown up in three different countries, having attended schools in all of them, and having had to learn a new language each time, I don’t see any other way to live for me.  This is my normal.  And now my family’s as well.  My son, when not in Canada, attends a local school in a local language, learning a new culture.

If this sounds outlandish to you, you are probably thinking, how can a person make a living and be successful and financially stable, while leading a seemingly chaotic lifestyle like mine.  Well, let me tell you, I am not the only one and not the first one to do this.

If living elsewhere for even part of the year (perhaps to avoid the insane Canadian winter), has ever crossed your mind – let me tell you, it is quite feasible.  The person who inspires me the most and will surely inspire you as well, is the American author/life hacker Tim Ferriss (you can check out his blog here:  His blog and book contain all the steps you need to take in order to “escape” the office.

But what tools do you need in order to work remotely?

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