Telpay News

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Goodbye Paper


Do you still send invoices, print off emails or write cheques to pay bills? With technology, software and apps, the tools to digitize most or all of your paper needs are now readily available and affordable. To get you started, here are five ways to reduce paper in your office.

Electronic Payments
Interestingly enough when you search the topic online, you will see electronic bill payment right at the top. Guess what? Telpay for Business can help with that one. The more payments you make electronically through Telpay for Business, the less you’ll spend on postage, envelopes and employee time coordinating invoices, cheques, and mailings. You will reduce paper, save money and valuable time.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Discover The New Telpay


As you might have noticed, we have made some changes around here. Our site is now cleaner, simpler and responsive for all devices, to make your web experience better.

After months of brainstorming, designing and hard work, we are excited to launch our improved Telpay website. With its simple menu structure, clear navigation and extensive support section, you can easily access the information you need from a variety of devices.
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