Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Ho Ho Holiday Webinars


The holiday season is here and now is the time to ensure you are on top of your payroll and payables game!  Looking for payment training before the holiday season starts?  We guarantee our webinars will be more convenient than holiday shopping at the mall.

Attend one of our training webinars to get started with direct deposit payments and make more room for spending time with your family and friends this holiday season.

Find a webinar that’s right for you and register here

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL WEBINARS ARE SCHEDULED IN CENTRAL TIME. Please adjust the webinar start times according to your time zone.

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Set Yourself Apart With Value-Added Services


In today’s world, an accountant or bookkeeper must be much more than a traditional bean counter to build and maintain a competitive advantage. In addition to core services such as financial statements, payroll and taxes, many business owners look to their accounting and bookkeeping professionals, as a valuable source of knowledge and expertise. It’s a great opportunity to introduce value-added services to supplement your services.

What are Value-added services?

Value-added service (VAS) is a term for all non-core services. It is a complimentary range of advisory and consulting services that go beyond core, yet are available at little or no cost to promote your accounting / bookkeeping business. Your competitors may not easily offer comprehensive services. VAS allows you to differentiate your accounting / bookkeeping business and removes the pressure of competing solely on the lowest price. VAS is all being more profitable in your business, by offering unique solutions that your clients need to run their company more successfully.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

7 Tips to Build Your Successful Business


As an entrepreneur, it’s in your nature to continuously look for ways to successfully grow your business. Whether you solicit advice from peers or read industry publications, information is a powerful tool to help you get there.

At Telpay, we asked business owners from a variety of industries to share their best tips for building a successful business.

Here’s what they had to say:

#1 – Create a leader-full organization.
This is important at every level, not just the top. Think about or ask what you can do to help your employees be more successful. This will lead to increase communication, collaboration and innovation.

#2 – Be focused and have a hands-on approach to all aspects of my business.
Be engaged in your business, by knowing your customers, suppliers and employees. Know what is always going on around you.

#3 – Surround yourself with good people and they will do good for you, because you can’t do it all.
Empower, recognize and promote from within to build a solid team. Treat your team with kindness, dignity and respect.

#4 – I encourage everyone in my business to surprise and delight.
Your customers also deserve to be treated with kindness, dignity and respect. It will build brand loyalty, satisfaction and even lead to referrals. Get your customers talking about you, it can be as easy as having a real person answer the phone.

#5 – Social media is a highly effective and inexpensive way to grow a business.
Your website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tweeting, etc., are all very important. If you are not familiar, it is time get with it or hire someone to consult in this dynamic field.

#6 – Be active, Not reactive
It is way more than just knowing what your competitors are doing. You must be informed and keep up to date. Network, subscribe to trade magazines and be up on top of the latest trends or technologies.

#7 – Community
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) not only feels good, but it is good for business. Giving back not only makes you stand out from your competitors, but other benefits include loyal customers and happier employees.

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Growing Your Business Internationally


Guest Blogger:  Paul Rechner, President, Payline by ICE
Working in a variety of roles in the Canadian corporate foreign exchange industry for the past 10 years, Paul Rechner has brought to Payline by ICE a vision for growth and expansion while holding firm to our primary tenets of ethical business practices and customer service.

Most businesses need growth to survive. Few survive the test of time without looking at new products, new processes and new markets. All of these can be intimidating by taking us out of our comfort zone, but what could be more foreign than expanding into markets in other countries with different norms, practices, consumers and prioritization of needs? You wouldn’t likely be making the expansion if you didn’t have good reason to believe that your product would be valued there, but as with all commerce, it will require the efficient flow of funds for a venture to be successful.

Payline by ICE and Telpay have partnered for years to provide clients with access to Telpay’s International Payments Module. This software allows for you to send payments in over 140 currencies to most countries around the world, with transparent pricing, and all the convenience you have already come to expect from Telpay. Tired of wire fees ranging from $20-$75 or more? International payments made through Telpay cost only $2 per transaction, and the exchange rates are, in most cases, superior to those offered by your bank.

As you look to expand into new territories, there are often exploratory and set-up costs associated with the venture. As Canadians, we have it ingrained to go to our bank for most every financial transaction. The general rule is, the more you send, the better the pricing. Most businesses don’t send enough to benefit from special rates and fees. By working with an International Payments specialist like Payline, we aggregate the transactions of numerous clients, and take that to the bank to get better pricing than the individual transactions would receive. We pass on a portion of those savings, allowing us to demonstrate cost-savings to our clients. The best part is that it’s made easy and convenient, working through a system that you already know and understand.

As your business grows in new markets, you will presumably start receiving foreign revenues from those territories. Through your account with Payline by ICE, you’ll be able to access our help in converting those back to Canadian Dollars, or into another currency as you expand into yet further territories.

While there are many stresses involved with growing your business internationally, dealing with the movement of funds doesn’t have to be one of them. Visit International Payments for more information about getting started.


Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

A Day to Remember


On November 11th, Canada honours the sacrifices of both members of armed forces and civilians during times of war throughout our country’s history. As we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, we pause in silence to honour them on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month across the country as tribute.  Lest we forget.

Telpay will be closed on Remembrance Day.