Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Women in Payments


Chris Epp-Volrath and Janet Klem from Telpay with Olympic Gold Medallist, Jennifer Botterill

The Third Annual Women in Payments Symposium took place on September 23 at Arcadian Court in Toronto. This symposium brings together women from across Canada that are leaders in the in treasury, accounting, banking or payment services.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Oh Canada and CPA’s


Chris Epp-Vollrath and Patrick Daniels

The Charted Professional Accountant (CPA) National Conference is the flagship event for all CPAs, CAs, CMAs and CGAs in business and professional service firms. This premiere conference takes place in Toronto, Ontario from September 22-23. The theme, One Powerful Network – in One Place, at One Time, brought together hundreds of accounting professionals from across Canada. Continue reading

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

How the CertPro Accounting Team is Simplifying Business


Originally posted in the IPBC Blog, republished with permission from CertPro Accounting Team
Co-authored by Melissa Michalski, B.Comm(Hons), CPB & Bea Dabrowski, B.A., CPB

Not only is CertPro Accounting Team implementing Value Pricing, we are also finding ways to make our business more efficient and grow our knowledge. When we began this process, we brainstormed areas of our business that were successful, had weaknesses, things we were experts at, and things we didn’t like to do. And we came up with an “ideal customer” for our firm. As we have been going through this journey we are finding ways to make things easier on us and our customers happier.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Telpay Gets Dirty

facebookOn Thursday, September 18, Telpay hosted the first annual Telpay for Trees Event at FortWhyte Alive in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Partnering with Tree Canada through their Partners In Planting Program, the event was in support National Tree Day. A country wide celebration for all Canadians to appreciate the benefits that trees provide us, that include clean air, wildlife habitat, beauty and connecting with nature. Continue reading

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Tired of Tracking Down Signatures


Margaret Chwyl is a Certified Professional Bookkeeper (CPB) and runs her own business, M Chwyl Accounting & Consulting Services. As well, she is a partner of Telpay’s Accounting Service Provider (ASP) Program and knows all about the advantages of electronic payments for business. In addition, Margaret is the volunteer bookkeeper for Calvary Baptist Church, which is very rewarding, but at times frustrating because they were still processing payments the traditional way. Continue reading