Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

How InterPaid used Telpay to Bypass the Banks

As most accounting firms know, dealing with banks to make payments for clients can be frustrating, to say the least. But a couple of years ago, that’s exactly what InterPaid was doing — or trying to do.

When Andrew McAuley launched his Sarnia, Ontario-based bookkeeping and business management company in 2019, he had one goal in mind: to enhance the accounting setups of small, medium, and large businesses using a full range of efficient services.

Those services would come to include full-cycle accounting, payroll, remittances, accounts receivable collection, accounts payable management, business optimization, and more. And while InterPaid quickly found early success, banks placed one significant speedbump in the company’s way.

Banking on Inefficiency
That speedbump was the same one faced by many accountants today: making payments using the direct deposit features of their clients’ banks.

“This was an extremely time-consuming and difficult task as we had to have individual logins created, signing authorities depending on the bank, etcetera,” says McAuley. “Not to mention, most banks’ direct deposit payment platforms are not designed for accountants or third-party providers.”

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Special Edition 35th Anniversary Report

A Message from Telpay’s CEO, Cora Jalonen

Please join us as we take a moment’s pause to reflect on our past and explore our vision as we present this Special Edition 35th Anniversary Report.

The year 2020 will certainly go down in history as a year of global challenge and unrest. But it has also been a year of care, resourcefulness, and resilience. As Canada’s trusted leader in the fintech industry for 35 years, Telpay is the longest established stronghold in electronic payments.

The year 2020 also marked the retirement year of Telpay founder, innovator, and communitarian Bill Loewen. It has been a pleasure to work with Bill throughout these past years. Bill’s career spanning over 5 decades, has influenced the financial management of the nation.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Manitoba Environmental Industries Association Emerging Issues Conference

Telpay was pleased to sponsor the Manitoba Environmental Industries Association’s Emerging Issues conference last week. As many businesses continue to navigate the pragmatics of working from home, virtual conferences provide missing opportunities to forge our connections and promote our businesses.

Here’s a short video recap of Telpay presentation.

The theme of this year’s conference was “Adapting to a Changing World.” The keynote speakers, the strong Indigenous content, and practical discussions were inspiring and useful. The Aboriginal Business Leaders Panel and Aboriginal Elders Panel presented strong visions and opportunities on the path towards reconciliation. The MEIA Students Chapter Panel highlighted the real strength of today’s environmental education and offered a grounded sense of hope for the future. The call to heat our buildings and operate industries without natural gas was affirming numerous examples of how this can be achieved. And of course, what all businesses are discussing these days – post-Covid strategies. How can we use what we have learned through the Covid experience to continue to evolve towards a just and sustainable future? Undoubtedly the most important call to action. Never waste a good crisis.

To learn more about the Manitoba Environmental Industries Association and their programs, have a look at their website at

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Telpay Trees Fall Update

This year marks the 100th anniversary of National Forest Week celebrated at the end of September, just when the trees are showing their most glorious colours across our country. Forests are places of sanctuary and tranquility, even in recent times gaining their own therapeutic practice known as “Forest Bathing” – simply breathing in the clean air and reconnecting with nature.

The Telpay Trees Fall Campaign saw another 5,000 trees planned and planted. Alongside the mighty Red River in the heart of Winnipeg, our staff team met for the first time since March. Wearing our masks and physically distancing, we extended the existing tree line with a mix of local trees and berries. Our founder Bill Loewen, having recently celebrated his 90th birthday, dared to join us at the gathering taking distancing precautions seriously. We planted an apple tree there in his honour.

At a special ceremony on National Tree Day, Telpay CEO Cora Jalonen announced our planting a Fruit and Berry Forest in partnership with one of our customers, the Neeginan Aboriginal Centre at their downtown Main Street location. Joined by Mayor Brian Bowman and former parliamentarian, business-owner, and longstanding Tree Canada Board Member Dorothy Dobbie, we ceremonially planted 6 fruit trees and announced our intention to plant over 100 fruit and berry bushes in the Spring of 2020 with the help of Falk Nurseries. Continue reading

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

A Message from Telpay’s CEO

It is with mixed emotions that today we announce the retirement of Telpay’s Founder and President, W.H. (Bill) Loewen.

For over 50 years, Bill Loewen has transformed and revolutionized the way individuals and businesses send and receive payments. Mr. Loewen changed how people got paid with Canada’s first independent payroll service company, Comcheq. Also, he introduced Canadians to electronic payments by telephone in 1985 with Telpay.

Having established an enviably solid foundation, he leaves a legacy of innovation, depth of knowledge, and industry advocacy that ensures Telpay is well-positioned to continue providing innovative payment solutions.

With a plan to transition into the future, we also announce today that Telpay has been acquired by a Winnipeg ownership group with controlling interests in Payworks, a cloud-based workforce management solution. This ownership group is committed to investing in technology to further solidify and elevate Telpay as Canada’s electronic payments leader.

Throughout this changeover, Telpay will continue to operate independently to focus on what we do best – delivering value for you and your business with efficient, cost-effective payment solutions.

Telpay’s office will stay where it all began in Winnipeg. Our team’s unwavering dedication to providing exceptional products and services to our customers and partners remain resolute. We are excited about joining forces with the new ownership group to help take Telpay into the next chapter of growth and innovation.

For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at

On behalf of the management and staff, we thank you for your continued support!


Cora Jalonen, CPA, CGA, CIA