Telpay News

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Go Cheque Free and We’ll Plant a Tree



Telpay is thrilled to be celebrating the second year of our wildly successful Save a Tree-Plant a Tree Program. In partnership with Tree Canada, when a Telpay customer makes 100 electronic bill payments, Telpay will plant a tree in one of the 5 designated Tree Canada regions throughout our country.

Congratulations to all our customers for reaching the milestone. By switching to electronic payments, not only do our customers enjoy the convenience of going cheque free, but they are also doing their part for the planet.

How Trees Make a Difference

Here are 5 reasons, why trees are important:

  • Trees help remove atmospheric CO2 from the air, which makes the air more breathable and reduces the Greenhouse effect.
  • Trees have medicinal uses. In fact, 1 of 4 pharmaceutical products is plant-based.
  • Trees’ root systems help prevent soil erosion, which prevents water pollution.
  • Trees planted in fields shield against wind and snow and help protect crops.
  • Trees provide shade that cools water, benefiting certain species of fish, plus their roots and branches provide space for fish to hide from predators

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Understand the True Costs and Fees of Credit Cards

There are many well-known benefits for businesses who accept credit card payments. Credit card payments are convenient, help improve cash flow and increase sales. However, there are also many not so well known disadvantages that a business is faced with when they offer credit card payments to their customers. These disadvantages include interchange, charge back, and monthly fees, to name a few. Continue reading

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

How to Survive the Tax Season


Brace yourselves; tax season is almost in full swing.  We can almost hear the eye rolls from our ASP partners who are all thinking “like I need a reminder about tax season, the pile of paper on my desk would never let me forget about it”.

That being said, we are not here to remind you about tax season, we are here to offer you a few secret weapons to help you survive and your business thrive.

24/7 Telpay Support Page
That’s right, 24/7.  When you are putting in your long days of work and need support at the ungodly hours of the morning, Telpay’s online support page has 24/7 access to hundreds of popular FAQ, demo videos and tutorial manuals.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Cross Border Payments

Mary Jacques and her husband are the franchise owners of Paul Davis Restoration Inc. in Essex, Ontario.  With more than 370 locations within North America, Paul Davis is the restoration specialist for mold removal, water damage restoration, fire damage clean up, contents cleaning, or any other restoration services.


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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Find Your Pot of Gold in a Webinar

march-lucky-finalHow many of you have childhood memories of your search for the lucky pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?   Maybe our lucky pot of gold is not so far out of reach.  What if we found a pot filled with resources that made our working processes more efficient, creating extra time and saving money!

As a Telpay user, we want to fill your “pot of gold” with helpful payment resources that will eliminate time-consuming and expensive payment processing. Register for a payables webinar to learn how Telpay’s electronic payments can help streamline your payables process.   Our payables training webinars discuss topics such as funding timelines, collecting banking information and importing your payments from your accounting software.

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