Telpay News

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Telpay Celebrates Labour Day


Monday, September 1st is Labour Day. For many of us, this long weekend represents the end of the hot summer months and the beginning of the transition into fall. We are going to try to get the most of the last bit of (hopefully) hot weather and you should too! Therefore, the Telpay office will be closed on Monday September 1st and we will not be processing any electronic payments. Make sure to plan ahead in order for your payments to arrive at their destination on time. Then you can really sit back and enjoy the last long weekend of the summer!

Check out the complete list of our holidays.

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Federal Minister of Finance in Winnipeg


W.H (Bill) Loewen, Howard W. Loewen, The Honourable Joe Oliver, Chris Epp-Vollrath and John Zajic

On August 15, the Federal Finance Minister of Canada was the Guest Speaker at a Special Luncheon, organized by the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce. The sold out event took place at the Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg.


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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Everything You Need to Know About Going Electronic


Part  3 of the Series: Going Electronic with Business Payments.

Throughout our ‘Going Electronic with Business Payments Series’, I have been highlighting potential hurdles or aspects of electronic payments functionality that you will want to consider before switching from cheques to an electronic payment solution.

To round out the discussion, I want to share with our readership a few more things to consider before you make the move to electronic:

Payments to large suppliers, Telco’s, utilities, credit cards:  With bank electronic funds transfer (EFT) solutions, you will not be able to pay any of the large regular monthly billers.  There is a simple reason for this:  none of them will give you their bank account information.  If they did (and in the past some have tried, only to quickly reverse course), they would have hundreds or thousands of businesses making deposits into their bank account each day.  Can you imagine receiving hundreds of emails each day and try reconciling those payments?

Note: Telpay’s system allows businesses to pay large utilities because we already have their bank account information.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Approving Payments Photo Contest


Mountains, lakes and beaches – these don’t seem like your normal work spaces? However, these are just some of the places that Telpay customers can approve their payments from. Our ongoing Snap. Share. Win. contest is bringing in photo submissions from across Canada and the United States showcasing the beautiful and fun locations that our customers are visiting this summer. From hot springs to pools to parks, submissions have shown a variety of activities that our customers don’t have to miss out on. Telpay’s Remote Authorization feature allows these vacationers to maintain their payment schedule, while having fun out of the office.

The contest runs through August, so there is still plenty of time to send in your photos. Whether you are traveling internationally and approving payments from a café in Paris, camping, or out at the lake, we want to see your pictures! Even if you’re on a “staycation” and using Remote Authorization to approve payments from your backyard barbeque – just snap a selfie and submit it. The winner of the contest will receive an awesome Nikon camera prize pack, valued at $315.

Enter by sending your approving payments photo to or by posting on our Facebook page. Also check out our Facebook page to see some of the entries that have already been submitted. See contest terms and conditions here.

Enjoy your summer and the freedom of Telpay’s Remote Authorization. Remember to send in your photos to our Snap. Share. Win. contest.

Telpay customer Dwight Yochim approved his payments from the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort camp site in British Colombia.

Telpay customer Dwight Yochim approved his payments from the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort camp site in British Colombia.

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Telpay Celebrates National Tree Day


At Telpay, we take pride in creating a healthy environment for the community that we work, live and play in. As part of our environmental program, we are thrilled to support National Tree Day that will take place on September 22. National Tree Day is a country wide celebration for all Canadians to appreciate the great benefits that trees provide us – clean air, wildlife habitat, reducing energy demand and connecting with nature. Continue reading