Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Do You Know Your Worth?


Are you sometimes challenged with determining how much to charge for your accounting services? The way that you perceive your value may affect how prospects will engage with your business. An important part of building a strong bookkeeping business is to properly value yourself and your business.  You also need to be able to convey that value to clients – to ensure they appreciate the value you bring to their business.

The best accounting advisors know their value. They don’t under value their services and they are willing to lose out on a potential client if that prospect isn’t willing to pay for those services. They regularly cull their client base to remove unhealthy clients.

How do you come to value your services and gain the confidence to take your business to that next level? I’ve had the pleasure of working with many bright and talented accounting advisors. I’ve been able to observe what the ‘greats’ are doing and I often try to share their experiences when I speak with accounting advisors.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Winnipeg: After Business Mixer


Telpay is pleased to be an exhibitor at the upcoming After Business Mixer. The event is hosted by the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Chartered Professional Accountants of Manitoba and the Human Resource Management Association of Manitoba.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Alan Salmon Accounting Technology Seminar


The Alan Salmon Accounting Technology Seminar is a Professional Development Seminar traveling across Canada.  Now in its 22nd year running, this  tour for accounting professionals will take place in 13 cities – Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, London, Toronto, Mississauga, Burlington, Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax and Moncton – and run between October 7th and November 1st in Fall 2014.

This very popular tour was created by Alan Salmon, who has over 25 years of business accounting experience.  He is President and CEO of K2 Enterprises Canada, providing CPD training for accountants across the country.

The Accounting Technology Seminar counts for eight CPDs for CAs, CPAs, CGAs, CMAs and those certified by the IPBC. A verifiable CPD document is given to each attendee at the end of the seminar.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Telpay Supports CGA Manitoba

This week, Telpay was pleased to sponsor the May 12th luncheon at the Spring Professional Development (PD) Forum held by the Certified General Accountants of Manitoba (CGA). It was a three-day conference held at the Holiday Inn Airport in Winnipeg.

The PD program for CGA’s holds regular forums to improve basic skills, update professional knowledge, along with encouraging various management and leadership strategies. This particular PD forum included education seminars on the topics of risk management, group mindsets and effective communication.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

We All Have Mental Health…How’s Yours?


Have you ever heard someone say “I’m fine,” but deep down you know they are not.  It can be a loved one, friend or even a colleague.  When you watch someone go from laid-back, happy and calm to snappy, distracted or sad, it hurts everyone.  It is even harder to try to get help, when they keep telling you they are “fine.”  What they really meant was “phine”… which means not fine at all.  With mental illness, unfortunately it is pretty common to say you’re fine when you really mean phine.

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