Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

How do you Give?

With the holiday season in full swing, we are all even busier and hopefully merrier too. The time we spend with our family and friends are very special and truly a gift. As well, the holidays are a great time to reflect, to be grateful for what we have and think about others in need. What about your charitable heart to give not just in the holiday season, but throughout the year.

According to Marina Glogovac, President of Canada Helps, “Giving with your heart recognizes the connectedness of all humanity, and understands that we all matter to each other, regardless of how our lives are different. Most of all, charity is about removing the judgment that we often tacitly attach to the needs of others. We should give with the consciousness of connectedness and humbleness.

In Canada, there are over 86,000 charities in Canada. Not just the big ones at the national level, but the majority are small and medium-sized, operating on small budgets and doing very important and impactful work. Look at your where you live and you will often see that they are the backbone of community support

In this busy holiday season, Telpay can save you time by making your donation electronically to your favourite charity. Here are some big and small charities that are already set up on Telpay, such as War Amps, Siloam Mission and Salvation Army to name a few. If there is something closer to your heart and it is not listed in Telpay, our funds transfer capability enables you to pay any charity. You simply add your charity and Telpay will collect the banking information for you.

So the next time you give from your heart to your favourite charity, use Telpay and do it electronically. You will not only feel good, but you will save time too!

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Electronic Payments Protects Against Cheque Fraud

Cheque fraud is among the oldest and most common forms of financial crime. Even with the advances of technology, cheques still account for billions of payments each year, making them a prime target for fraud. In 2011 a report by the Financial Executives International (FEI), estimated that cheques fraud costs North American businesses $20 Billion CAD annually. The most common methods of cheque fraud includes counterfeit, forged and altered. Other more sophisticated types are deposit fraud, transaction instruction fraud and payroll fraud among others.

In addition, fraud has way more than just the financial costs. It impacts reputation, consumes valuable management time to rectify the fraud and overall can lower company morale. Furthermore, because 85% of the most serious fraud incidents are committed by insiders, it can erode trust within the company.

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Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Tis the Partner Season


On December 2, Telpay hosted the Institute of Professional Bookkeepers of Canada (IPBC) Manitoba Regional Holiday Meeting. Telpay is thrilled to partner with IPBC and host this holiday event for a second year in our beautiful historic building. The evening consisted of music, dinner and chance to mingle. Continue reading

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

Spotlight: Kelly Roloson

kellyKelly Roloson is a CPA, CGA at Gibb Widdis, a chartered accounting firm that services more than 300 diverse clientele from across Ontario. Kelly, who is also known as a somewhat gourmet cook, graduated from Brock University with an Honours Bachelor of Administration. In addition to accounting, she has many responsibilities from quality control, facilitator and consultant, but accounting software is her speciality. As the jack of all trades, Kelly also likes the challenge of problem solving. She describes herself as the “go-to-person you need when you’ve got a problem with accounting software.” She joined the original Telpay ASP Partner Program in February 2009. Continue reading

Telpay Payment News
Bringing You Payment Insights, Trends and Best Practices

On Set with Telpay

Back in October, Telpay was honoured to be nominated for a MBiz Awards in the Long Term Achievement Business category.  Impact Studios LTD. created nomination videos for the event and did a great job at capturing Telpay’s values, goals and employee culture.  Featured in the video are a few of Telpay’s employees, our founder and of course, our weekly Bake Day celebration.  Check out the video for an insider’s view of our office, staff, and Bake Day snacks.

Congrats again to the winner of the Long Term Achieve Business category, Arctic Co-operative Limited.